5 Most Common Causes for A Flat Tire

Flat tires or blowouts are quite common, and most drivers might have experienced it at least once in their lifetime. It can turn out to be dreadful if it ever occurs on the road, jeopardizing the safety of the driver and everyone else inside the vehicle. Although there is no sure way to prevent blowouts altogether, but regular maintenance of tires and general awareness of the reasons behind it can greatly reduce their occurrence. Here are some of the common yet preventable causes that might lead to flat tires.

1. Damage to the Valve Stem

A valve stem is used in tires to prevent air from escaping the chamber. It is a tiny protrusion that needs to be unscrewed while inflating a tire. Often, these valves get corroded or damaged due to external reasons, leading to leakage and subsequently causing a flat tire. They might also become clogged with dirt, further aggravating the issue.

2. Leakage from the Tire Bead

The edge of the tire that rests on the wheel is known as a tire bead. Excessive wear and tear might lead to the leakage of air from the tire beads. To check whether there is a problem with them or not, simply spray the tires and valves with soapy water. If you notice a stream of bubbles issuing steadily, then you probably have a leak in your tire.

3. Separation of the Tire and Rim

If you ever jump a curb or hit a sidewalk, chances are that your tire might slightly slip away from the rim causing them to separate. Over time, this might allow gradual loss of air and lead to a flat tire. It is not something that you can fix yourselves but will need to visit an experienced mechanic who would have the right tools to fix the tire and rim separation.

4. Over-pumped Tires

Maintaining the right air pressure is key to a tire’s health and longevity and is also crucial for your car’s safety. The right amount of tire pressure can help maintain the traction between the car and road. Incorrect tire pressure can lead to excessive gas usage and reduce comfort while driving. Over pressure is quite dangerous and can lead to increased wear and tear often resulting in blowouts.

5. Ripped Tires

Worn out tires are a cause of worry and regular checking is the only way to avoid it. Deep scuffing or uneven wearing can lead to blowouts and those that occur while driving can turn out to be life threatening. It is always advisable to check the tires regularly to avoid blowouts and replace them if there is uneven or excessive wear and tear.

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Top 5 Warning Signs You Need Change the Tires for Your Vehicle

The performance of your tires is very important for maintaining the safety, performance, and efficiency of your vehicle. But at some point, your tires will start wearing out and lose their traction and braking ability. There is no way to tell exactly how long a tire lasts. The lifespan and mileage of a tire depend on a combination of factors: its design, the driver’s habits, the climate, the road conditions, and the care that’s put into the tires. Here are a few warning signs you need to change the tires on your vehicle:

  1. Tread Wear Indicator Bar

Nowadays, tires have tread wear indicator bars built into the tires themselves. They appear as flat rubber bars running perpendicular to the direction of the tread itself along with as the tread increases. If the bars are starting to appear on any or all of your tires, you should check with your mechanic or local tire dealer to see about getting your current tires replaced.

  • Tread Depth

The tread on your tires should never fall below 1/16 of an inch (1.6 millimeters) in depth. You can buy a gauge to measure the tread depth the way the professionals do or you can use a penny for measurement. You can use the American penny coin to easily measure the tread depth.

  • Bulges and Blisters on the Tire

Sometimes the outer surface of the tire begins to weaken. The result can be a bulge or blister that extends outward from the rest of the surface. This weak spot can cause a sudden blowout. If you don’t put the car in the service center or change the tire before this happens, you might face an accident.

  • Cracks in the Sidewall

It’s easy to do a visual check of sidewall problems. Look for cracks or cuts in the sidewall that are distinct enough to be visible to the naked eye. If you notice these cracks, you should check with your mechanic or local tire dealer to see about getting your current tires repaired or replaced.

  • Vibration

A certain amount of vibration is inevitable when driving, especially on poorly paved roads. But too much vibration is a big red flag. Even if the tire isn’t the root cause of the vibration, the vibration could damage the tire. That’s why you should consider changing the tires if there is too much vibration. Looking to buy top-notch summer wheels for your car? You can check out the massive collection at AudioCityUSA. You can call 888.814.1158 to contact the team at the online store for more information. The online store offers top-quality wheels from brands such as Fuel, Moto Metal, Blaque Diamond, Niche, XD, Rohana, Lexani, Rohana, and various others.

How To Prevent Tires from Dry Rotting?

Tire dry rotting or sidewall cracking is a common problem for tires that have been unused for more than three months. It occurs when the rubber in a tire loses its moisture and tends to become brittle. This can be caused by a variety of factors. Tires with dry rot exceeding a certain limit need to be replaced as they increase the risk of blowing out while being driven. Here, we are going to share some tips to prevent dry rotting or sidewall cracking.

  1. Store Tires at A Constant Temperature

It is always recommended to store tires in a climate-controlled space. Temperatures over 65°F or below 45°F might speed up cracking. Storage spaces with humidity control are a bonus, as an excessively dry environment might also cause dry rotting.

  • Ensure Tires Are Clean and Dry

One of the simplest ways to prevent sidewall cracking is cleaning your tires before placing them in storage. You can clean tires using water and any hand or kitchen detergent. They do not contain any chemicals that might damage the material of the tire. Avoid using petroleum-based cleaners as they can do more harm than good.

  • Keep Out of Direct Sunlight

Exposure to UV rays over longer periods can severely damage tires. The likelihood of tires suffering dry rotting increases if they are kept in direct sunlight for extended durations. Make sure to park your vehicle in shaded areas to reduce the impact of UV rays. You can also keep your car under a weatherproof cover to get protection from excess heat and sunlight.

  • Store Them in Airtight Bags

Oxygen is a key contributor to sidewall cracking. Therefore, the best way to keep a spare tire is to place it inside an airtight bag. This way the exposure to oxygen is reduced and you can prevent dry rotting to a large extent.

  • Avoid Overloading

Each tire has a specific load capacity. This includes the actual weight of the vehicle and the additional load carried by it. Adding extra weight over the load capacity places the tires under duress and may lead to failure or cracking.

If you are looking to purchase top-quality wheels, then there is no better option than AudioCityUSA.  Equip your vehicle with classy and durable wheels that not only provide a smooth and comfortable ride but also add to the charm of the vehicle. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from some of the most well-known brands including Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, Giovanna, AC Forged, Fuel, and various others.

Signs You Need A Wheel Alignment For Your Vehicle

While a lot of precision goes into the manufacture of an automobile, regular use often takes its toll and reduces the quality and performance of any vehicle. Cars, if driven through potholes or uneven roads, lead to wheel alignment issues. This is a very common problem and can possibly lead to mishaps while driving. To enjoy driving and keep your vehicle in good health it is very important to pick up early signs of wheel alignment issues. Here are a few tips that you can follow.

Tire Wear Is Uneven

A major clue to determine the presence of alignment issues is uneven tire wear. The wear of a tire provides essential information about the pressure, suspension condition, and much more. If you notice that the tire only wears around the edges or at certain spots, then it is probably an indication of faulty tire alignment. Uneven wear of tires reduces their durability significantly, hence it is vital to catch signs and perform re-alignment of the wheel.

Steering Wheel Is Off Center

A newly manufactured car has its steering wheel at the dead center. If you are driving down a straight road and notice that your steering wheel is crooked or off-center, then it is a sign for you to check your wheel calibration. Once an alignment is performed your steering wheel will return to the center and greatly improve drivability.

Vehicle Veers To The Left Or Right

If you are driving down a straight road, then, with minimum effort, your car should also move straight. However, if the vehicle veers to the left or right, there is a problem with the alignment of the wheel. It severely hampers drivability thus making the re-calibration of the wheel an absolute must. Check with a mechanic to help you in resolving this issue.

Noisy Or Loose Steering

Has it happened to you that you are driving your car but feel that the steering is loose, shaky, or even makes noise? Well, these are signs that there might exist an alignment issue in your car. Ideally, the steering should be firm and in place to ensure smooth driving. Vibrations on the steering and other issues mentioned earlier are some of the noticeable outcomes of wheel alignment problems.

Squealing Tires

Due to uneven wear on tires, they might squeal while you drive your car. As shown above, uneven wear is a clear sign of misaligned wheels and might lead to several other problems. If you notice your tires squealing it might be time for you to consult a mechanic. Squealing tires might also indicate other problems in the vehicle as well, so it becomes very important for car owners to have their vehicles checked and serviced on time to reduce further damage.

Are you looking for new wheels? Then AudioCityUSA is the right place for you. The company provides durable and high-quality wheels that add to the charm of your vehicle and provide a comfortable and smooth ride. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, Giovanna, AC Forged, Fuel, and various others.