Top 5 Tips to Make Your Road Trips Safer

Road trips can be a great way to people to get out of the home and enjoy time with family and friends. You are not the only person who is going to do that and you will find a lot of other people who would be travelling as well. You should take care of many things when preparing for a holiday road trip including tire inflation, oil change, window washer fluid, and working condition of the car. Here is how you can make your road trips safer:

  1. Plan Your Route

You should map out your route in advance and also plan which route you are going to take and identify the places you are going to stop and rest along the way. You should also share these plans with the people who you are visiting and one person back home, so that they can contact the authorities in case of any issues.

  • Check and Maintain Tires

It is very important to thoroughly check and maintain the conditions of all the tires before you are heading out into the road for holiday. Make sure to keep a good spare tire as well. You should also check their alignment and wear and tear to ensure the best conditions of the wheels.

  • Drive According to the Conditions

You should always check weather conditions in advance to make sure you are travelling during the right conditions. You should also check road conditions such as bridges being replaced, roads closed for repairs, and other changes. You should also consider the traffic conditions, speed limits, state laws, the children in the car, and your ability to drive.

  • Food

Packing a little food is a great idea for the trip. You should also keep a cooler in the car to keep the food fresh. Easy to transport foods like dry cereal, popcorn, nuts, and pretzels are good options because they won’t go bad even if they get warm. You should also stop for eating food instead of eating while driving.

  • Take Fatigue into Account

Fatigue and decreased visibility can make it harder to drive safely and respond quickly to sudden changes. You shouldn’t drive for too long continuously and plan a pit stop every two or three hours is best to stretch, move around and clear your head. You should also reserve night stops ahead of time as they will be fully booked during the holiday season.

If you’re looking to buy wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The company provides high-quality wheels for an enjoyable ride while also imparting an unmatched look to your vehicle. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, Giovanna, AC Forged, Fuel, and various others.

How to Care and Maintain for Your Tires?

Tires are a critical part of your car and you need to properly care for them especially for safety reasons. Your car’s wheels take some of the heaviest abuse on your car, generally needing much more care than is provided. If you spend a little time and money maintaining your car’s wheels, then they’ll have that new car look. Here are a few tips on how to care for and maintain your tires:

  1. Air Pressure

Driving with the wrong tire pressure can affect a vehicle’s handling and braking, particularly in wet conditions, and can seriously compromise your safety. You should check the air pressure of your tires monthly and before a long trip as well. Tires are expensive, but by checking your tire pressure regularly, you can extend their life.

  • Regular Inspection

You may not always notice that your wheel has been damaged. You should inspect your tires regularly to check for any damage. You should also have a professional inspect the tires annually as well. You shouldn’t be afraid to get down on your hands and knees to do your inspection. If you’re going on a long road trip, check your tire pressure and inspect your tires before you leave home.

  • Load Capacity

Every tire has a load index set according to international standards. You should not exceed the load capacity relative to the tire’s load index. Tires loaded beyond their maximum loads can build up excessive heat that may result in sudden tire destruction. Overloading a vehicle can also cause tire failure.

  • Rotate the Tires

To maintain even tread wear and to get the maximum life out of your tires, it’s recommended that you rotate your tires every 6,000 to 8,000 miles. If you buy a set of tires from your local tire store, they may provide free tire rotation. If they don’t, tire rotations are fairly inexpensive.  You should also have an experienced tire professional inspect the condition of each tire during a rotation.

  • Alignment

Proper alignment ensures that all wheels on a vehicle are pointed in the optimum direction to the road and each other. Tires on a misaligned vehicle degrade handling and don’t wear equally, reducing their tread life.

If you’re looking to buy wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The company provides high-quality wheels for an enjoyable ride while also imparting an unmatched look to your vehicle. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, AC Forged, Fuel, and many more.

5 Cool Ways to Customize Your Car

Most cars are designed to be marketable to large numbers of people, so are never tailored to you in particular. This means that many people want to make some changes to the car if they want a personalized car for themselves. Different modifications can provide a new, sleek look, while also boosting your car’s overall performance. It is a great way to revamp an older vehicle or add a few awesome automotive accessories to liven it up. There are so many options out there that it is tough to choose what to buy and how to customize. Here is a guide from AudioCityUSA on how to customize your car:

  1. Paint Job

A paint job is the first thing people notice on a car and it is the most customizable part of a vehicle. You can add colors to it. A paint job can include surface preparation, sealer, paint application, clear coat, and thorough buffing. Professional auto painters can match the color of your wheels to the body of your vehicle and add any specific customizations to make the design pop.

  • Custom Seat Covers

There are tons of online stores out there that sell seat covers with custom patterns and designs. Some websites sell universal seat covers, others sell custom-fit seat covers tailored to your vehicle. Seat covers are available in a variety of materials including neo-supreme for that sporty look, sheepskin or imitation leather for that luxurious look, and Hawaiian seat covers for a bit of fun in the sun.

  • Steering Wheel Covers

A fun way to customize your car is by adding a steering wheel cover that suits both your style and needs as a driver. There are tons of practical reasons why steering wheels covers are an awesome addition to your car’s interior. There are also other practical purposes for them, such as offering comfort and protecting your hands from both cold and hot weather.

  • Sound System

This type of automotive upgrade requires a decent amount of effort in finding a suitable, quality sound system that stays within your budget. It can be a great choice for individuals who enjoy listening/singing along to songs while driving. This type of upgrade is perfect for those who love listening and/or singing along to music while driving.

  • Wheels

The right wheels can transform your vehicle’s character and performance. Available in various finishes and sizes, you can choose a set of wheels that are perfect for your car. A few types of finishes include steel, alloy, and chrome, with each type having its advantages and disadvantages.

If you’re looking to buy wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The company provides high-quality wheels for an enjoyable ride while also imparting an unmatched look to your vehicle. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, Giovanna, AC Forged, Fuel, and various others.

How to Get Your Car Ready for Autumn?

Autumn is quickly approaching and you need to adjust your vehicle to ensure that your vehicle for the change in weather. This is because your car can be negatively impacted by the cold temperatures in many ways. The fall season is the perfect time to prepare your car for the harsh chill that winter brings. Cold weather makes it more difficult for your tires to maintain grip and makes the windshield more defenseless against cracks. Here are a few tips to make your vehicle ready for the fall:

  1. Fluid Levels

It is crucial to replace your car’s fluid levels, as necessary. This would include windshield washer fluids, transmission fluids, coolant, brake fluids, and power steering fluids. All these fluids are very important for ensuring that your car runs smoothly. Washer fluid is important for maintaining visibility, while transmission fluid is important for cooling.

  • Brakes

Your brake system must be fully prepared for the weather. You can take your vehicle to a proper mechanic for a brake inspection. The brake inspection includes a road test for braking symptoms, an inspection of condition and level of brake fluid, and an inspection of the master cylinder. Many service centers also provide offer brake replacement and installation.

  • Lights

You should make sure that your headlights, taillights, brake lights, fog lights, and hi-beams are in working order. You should do this because you will be using them more as it will get dark earlier. You should also check the clarity of the light lenses. You should also regularly clean the lights.

  • Heater, Defrosters, and Wiper Blades

Checking your vehicle’s HVAC system is not only important for comfort but it’s also important for your safety. You’ll need it for defrosting and visibility in the colder months. You should also check your wiper blades to ensure they’re not cracked, torn, or leave streaks across your windshield. You should also replace them every six months.

  • Tires

You should always maintain your tires in top condition. You should check the tire tread depth and look for any signs of wear and tear such as bulges and bald spots. You should also check the tire pressure, and adjust it accordingly using the PSI listed in your owner’s manual. You should keep a regular schedule of tire pressure maintenance.

If you’re looking to buy off-road wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The company provides high-quality wheels for an enjoyable ride while also imparting an unmatched look to your vehicle. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, AC Forged, Fuel, and more.