7 Amazing Customization Ideas for Your Car

Customizing your can do wonders for your car’s appearance and performance. You can either completely revamp an older vehicle or add a few awesome automotive accessories to liven it up. Before you even look at the ways to customize your car interior, you should consider your lifestyle, what you like to do, and your needs as a driver. Driving a customized car can also give a massive boost in confidence. Here are 5 cool ways to customize your car:

  1. Custom Floor Mats and Seat Covers

You can find custom floor mats and that suit your style and needs. You can find mats with various designs on them, be it your favorite sports team, or your favorite movie. Floor mats and seat covers are an inexpensive way to augment the look of almost any vehicle. Floor mats and seat covers also provide a way to preserve stock aspects of a vehicle.

  • Steering Wheel Designs

Steering wheels are critical to the functioning and the control of cars. A steering wheel cover can be an inexpensive opportunity to develop a tailored look and feel for a driver. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t upgrade their looks. You can use various colors, patterns, and materials for your steering wheel that can cater to all tastes.

  • Custom Paint Job

You can have a new paint job put on your car that matches your lifestyle and choices. Professional painters can match the color of your wheels to the body of your vehicle and add any specific customizations that can make the design pop out. You should pick a color that is different and unique, but not ridiculously flashy and loud.

  • LED Lights

LED lights have recently become the perfect choice for people’s vehicles, unfortunately, the majority of car manufacturers still use traditional bulbs in car headlamps. LEDs are brighter, use less energy, last longer, and are comparable in cost to traditional bulbs due to their longevity. LED lights are both a cost-efficient and flexible way to accentuate a vehicle through a highly-presentable cabin.

  • Sound System

A sound system can be a great addition to your car’s atmosphere. However, the upgrade will require a decent amount of effort in finding a suitable, quality sound system that stays within your budget. This type of upgrade is the perfect choice for people who like listening and/or singing along to music while driving.

  • Quality Tires

While there are some upgrades that you can afford to pass up, but having an excellent pair of tires isn’t one of them. Make sure you purchase the best quality you can afford to improve your handling, increase your acceleration, and help you brake better.

  • Aftermarket Wheels

The right aftermarket wheels can transform your vehicle’s character, performance, and looks. Available in various finishes and sizes, you can choose a set of wheels that are perfect for your car. A few types of finishes include steel, alloy, and chrome, with each type having its advantages and disadvantages.

If you’re looking to buy aftermarket wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The company provides high-quality wheels for an enjoyable ride while also imparting an unmatched look to your vehicle. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, Lexani, Giovanna, and various others.

How to Prepare Your Car for the Winter?

Winter roads can be quite dangerous, and driving somewhere during the winter can be a hard task. Snow, sleet, and freezing rain can also take a serious toll on your vehicle. You should make sure your car is prepared for any winter storm or winter driving by servicing your car, driving safely, and packing a winter car emergency kit. Preparing your car for the winter can take a lot of time and money, so you should plan accordingly with this winter checklist for vehicles:

  1. Fill up Windshield Wiper Fluid

The ordinary fluid that you use in other seasons can become useless in the winter, as it can freeze quickly upon contact with your windshield. As the winter approaches, you should switch out your fluid for winter fluid. Winter fluid is designed for the hard winter weather and can help loosen ice and snow from your windshield so that you don’t face issues while driving in the snow.

  • Fill up Winter-Grade Oil

The colder the weather, the thinner the oil in your engine should be. The viscosity of your oil in colder weather is indicated by the first number in the oil specification, with a lower number indicating better viscosity in cold weather. You should also consider switching to an oil with a lower cold weather viscosity grade.

  • Check Antifreeze Levels

Antifreeze can keep your engine from freezing during the winter months of the year. Without it, your engine will freeze, leaving you stranded in cold weather. You need to check the antifreeze level in the winter to make sure it doesn’t run out. You can check your antifreeze levels by following the instructions in your car’s manual or buying a kit available in many auto stores.

  • Maintain Proper Tire Pressure and Tread

Proper tire pressure is the key to staying on the road and keeping safe when snow and ice are falling from the sky. You should regularly check your tire pressure with a simple gauge sold at any auto supply store. You should also follow your manual’s recommendations for pressure level. You should also ensure your tires have appropriate amounts of tread on them.

  • Install Winter Tires

Tires are so critical to navigation and safety while driving and it’s extremely important to invest in a set of wheels that can firmly secure your vehicle to the ground and prevent skidding. Winter tires can help keep you safe by providing better control, shorter stopping distances, more traction to get up that icy incline or power through snow, chew through slushy conditions, or grip cold wet roads.

If you’re looking to buy aftermarket wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The company provides high-quality wheels for an enjoyable ride while also imparting an unmatched look to your vehicle. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, Lexani, Giovanna, Rohana, AC Forged, and various others.

5 Essential Items You Should Always Keep in Your Car

Safety is an essential aspect of driving and you should always be prepared for everything. Anything can happen on the road and you should always expect the unexpected. You should always have certain items in the car, and no, we’re not talking about the piles of trash that are currently in the back seat. However, you should be selective in what you place in your car as carrying around too much in your car can seriously increase your fuel consumption. This list of car essentials from AudioCityUSA can keep your car running and help you deal with unforeseen obstacles on the road:

  1. Jumper Cables

Jump cables don’t weigh too much are incredibly useful to have on hand. If your car’s battery dies, the jumper leads can help you jump-start the car’s battery. You should attach your cables to the positive and negative battery terminals of another person’s car. You should also familiarize yourself with your engine just in case things are a little different.

  • First Aid Kit

A well-equipped first-aid kit is a necessity in every car. Apart from being useful to you and your family, it could also be helpful for an outsider who needs first-aid. The first-aid kit should include the following items: bandages, gauze, antibiotic cream, over-the-counter pain relievers, allergy medicine, hand sanitizer, and cotton swabs.

  • Tool Kit

A basic tool kit can be a lifesaver when your car breaks down especially if you’re far from a gas station or a repair shop. You should consider keeping items such as tire gauge, screwdrivers, pliers, oil, brake fluid, duct tape, antifreeze, and a pocket knife in your tool kit. You can also add items such as an ice scraper, collapsible shovel, and foam tire sealant based on the climate and your expertise in automobiles.

  • Flashlight

You should always keep a flashlight in your car for the darkest maintenance moments that hit even the best of us at some time or another. If your flashlight requires batteries, keep some extra of those in the glove box as well. While you can also use your mobile device as a light source, you should preserve its battery in case of emergencies.

  • Spare Tire

Having a spare tire and the knowledge of how to install it is essential for all drivers. You can encounter a puncture or a flat tire at any time so it is always a good idea to be prepared. Spare tires can be either put in the trunk or fitted at the back of the vehicle. Of course, a spare tire on its own is useless without a tire jack and tire iron as you won’t be able to change the tire.

Looking to buy the best-in-class wheels for your car? You can check out the massive collection at AudioCityUSA. You can call 888.814.1158 to contact the team at the online store for more information. The online store offers top quality wheels from brands such as Fuel, Moto Metal, Niche, AC Forged, XD, Rohana, and various others.

A Beginner’s Guide to Cast vs Forged Wheels

Wheels are an essential cog in the functioning of any vehicle. There are various types of manufacturing processes for wheels that you can choose from. Two of the most popular manufacturing processes are cast and forged wheels. Each type involves manufacturing the wheels differently and are associated with different advantages and disadvantages. Forged rims are made from solid aluminum that is heated to allow pressurized machines to shape the rims. On the other hand, cast wheels are made from aluminum that is melted into the liquid form and poured into molds. Here is a guide to both manufacturing processes:

What are Cast Wheels?

Casting aluminum wheels is the most common manufacturing process for alloy wheels on the market. These wheels are made is molten aluminum is poured or drawn in with a vacuum into a mold which forms the material into the desired wheel shape. Once the aluminum cools down, it is machined, drilled, and trimmed into the final wheel. This processing of casting a wheel is easy and less expensive than other methods, however, this process can lead to porosity. This porosity can lead to cracking and the overall reduction in the wheel’s integrity.

Advantages of Cast Wheels

  • Wide range of alloy choices
  • Less expensive
  • High strength
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to manufacture
  • Easily mass-produced

Disadvantages of Cast Wheels:

  • Highly susceptible to cracking and oxidation
  • Reduced structural integrity
  • Heavier to compensate

What are Forged Wheels?

Forged wheels begin as a solid piece of metal that is then exposed to heat and intense pressure that compresses the material. The manufacturing process of forged wheels starts with a solid piece of metal called a billet. The billet is first heated and then put under intense pressure that compresses the metal to form a raw forging. These raw forgings are then forged into different profiles to allow for the creation of different wheel designs.

Advantages of Forged Wheels

  • Less porosity compared to cast wheels
  • Better performance
  • Better handling
  • Enhanced structural integrity
  • Enhanced fuel efficiency

Disadvantages of Forged Wheels

  • More time-consuming and precise process
  • More expensive
  • Cannot be mass-produced

Whether you choose to buy forged wheels or cast wheels, you should make sure they are genuine products from a reliable wheel manufacturer. If you’re looking to buy new cast or forged wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Moto Metal, Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, Lexani, Rohana, and various others.