Top 5 Ways to Properly Modify Your Vehicle for Off-Road Driving

Off-road driving requires a vehicle that can handle ragged terrain and unpredictable weather. However, not all vehicles are made for this activity. It provides an adrenaline rush like no other hobby. While today’s SUVs and trucks are quite capable with driving on-road, you still need to make some changes if you want to go off-road. While you’re making upgrades to your vehicle, you need to make sure to buy equipment that is built for your vehicle’s model and specifications. Here are a few tips from AudioCityUSA on how to modify your vehicle for off-road driving:

  1. Use All-Terrain or Off-Road wheels

Normal wheels aren’t suitable for driving off-road. You should replace your normal tires with all-terrain or off-road wheels. These wheels will help your vehicle gain a better grip on uneven terrain. You should buy wheels that are compatible with your vehicle’s brake calipers and suspension system.

  1. Install Bolt-On Recovery Points

If you install a bolt-on recovery point to your vehicle’s frame, it will allow your vehicle to recover by another vehicles. You should buy bolt-on recovery points that can fit onto your vehicle and are not there just to secure the vehicle during transport.

  1. Install a hitch

Installing a hitch on your vehicle is a great idea for your adventure. The hitch provides you with a mounting point for a wide array of accessories. These accessories such as a bike rack, spare tire carrier, hitch or even a BBQ. It will also provide a tow point for you.

  1. Lift the Vehicle

A good amount of ground clearance is critical requirement for off-road driving. You can increase the ground clearance by adding a lift kit. High ground clearance will also allow your vehicle to tackle any obstacles without getting wrecked. You have two choices when it comes to lift kits: body lift kits and suspension lift kits.

  1. Carry Emergency Equipment

You should always be prepared for an emergency, especially if you’re driving off-road. Essential things to carry include dynamic tow strap, D-shackles, a type of base for jacking a vehicle, a puncture-plug kit, an air compressor, a shovel and a traction aid.

If you’re looking to buy off-road wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The off-road wheels the company provides are manufactured using top-grade materials and latest technological tools to ensure they meet the highest quality standards. The online store offers off-road wheels from various world-renowned brands including XD, Fuel, Moto Metal, and many more.

7 Best Off-Road Destinations in the USA

Off-road driving is a great hobby that can provide you with adrenaline rush like no other hobby. The hope of hitting the trails and a taste of adventure can inspire you to break away from the pavement. For the best off-road experience, you need to go to the right trails and destination. Therefore, AudioCityUSA has compiled a list of 7 best off-road destinations in the USA that you should experience once in your lifetime:

  1. Mojave Road, Arizona & California

Full of historical landmarks, Mojave road is a 140-mile trail that runs from Bullhead City, Arizona to Newberry Springs, California. The trail has been travelled by Native Americans, Spanish explorers, European colonizers, and the U.S. Army over the years. When going off-road driving on this trail, you should pack a lot of water as there’s only one watering hole along the way.

  1. Alpine Loop Trail, Colorado

Alpine Loop Trail is a 63-mile trail that traverses San Juan Mountains crosses two 12,000-foot passes. On the way, you will pass ghost towns, and breath-taking sights to die for. The trail is most suitable for 2WD vehicles, 4x4s with high ground clearance can also be fine.

  1. El Camino Del Diablo, Arizona

El Camino Del Diablo, aka “The Devil’s Highway,” is a 250-mile trail with a history that spans back to the 16th century. Starting just southwest of Ajo, Arizona, the trail runs along the U.S./Mexico border and is suitable for high-riding 4x4s. Along the way, you can see Pinta Sand Dunes, the Pinacate Volcanic Field, the Tule Mountains, and the abandoned Fortuna Mine.

  1. Magruder Road Corridor, Idaho & Montana

The 117-mile Magruder Road Corridor starts outside Elk City, Idaho and ends at Darby, Montana. It is a fantastic trail for off-road driving. Along the way, you’ll witness stunning sights, lush valleys and rushing rivers. You can also camp along the trail.

  1. Moab, Utah

This is the one of the best destinations for ATV driving. You can see many sights including legendary scenery, sand, water, cliffs, ginormous boulders and slick rock. The red rock terrain requires intense physical and mechanical skill, but it’s worth the reward. The trails traverse two mountain ranges and you can see wildlife like deer, elk and moose.

  1. Rubicon Trail, California

Just west of Lake Tahoe, Rubicon trail is a 22-mile trail that is a great place for 4×4 driving. The trail cuts through El Dorado National Forest as well as the Tahoe National Forest. The trail has very challenging terrain and only the most experienced of drivers can traverse it.

  1. Dalton Highway, Alaska

Dalton Highway aka the “Haul Road” presents drivers with 414-miles of gravel road for travel. The route runs from the Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay and is filled with tractor-trailers, potholes, and grizzly bears. You should be careful on the trail and stock up on necessities before the trip as the nearest town to the trail is miles away.

Off-road driving requires special vehicles fitted with proper accessories and equipment. If you’re looking to buy off-road wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The online store offers off-road wheels from various world-renowned brands including XD, Fuel, Moto Metal, and more.

How to Properly Store Your Tires?

You need to change your tires when the season changes. But what about the tires that you replaced. They need to be stored properly so that they don’t wear out or get damaged during the unused period. While heat and air can influence a tire’s aging process, you can prolong the life of your tires by properly storing them:

  1. Clean the tires

This is the first and one of the most important tips for storing your tires. You should remove any tire dressings, dirt, and brake dust. This will ensure that your tires are free of contaminants prior to being stored. You should wash the tires, then rinse with water. You should then ensure your tires are fully dried.

  1. Store them in airtight bags

Once you have cleaned the tires, you should store them in a large, dark, airtight plastic bags. You should remove as much air from the bags as possible, and seal them securely with tape. Removing air from the bags will prevent the lubricating oil within the tire compounds from evaporating.

  1. Hang the tires

You should hang tires from hooks if your tires are mounted on the rims. However, you should never hang unmounted tires as it can cause distortion and damage. You should also store the tires standing upright as it puts less stress on the tires.

  1. Keep them out of sunlight

Sun’s UV rays and heat can degrade the rubber of your tires. Therefore, you shouldn’t store tires in sunlight. This is also because tires are black, and they can easily soak up heat of the sun. You can also buy weatherproof tire canvas that will protect your tires from sun and rain.

  1. Keep away from ozone

Ozone can cause immense damage to tires. Therefore, it’s best to keep your tires away from machinery that can generate ozone. This includes electric motors, furnaces, central vacuums, or your basement sump pump.

If you’re looking to buy new custom wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Moto Metal, AC Forged, Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, Rohana and many more.

5 Safety Rules for Off-Road Driving

Off-road driving is a thrilling hobby that provides thrill and exhilaration like no other. Going off-road can open your eyes to places you would not have seen otherwise. You will also face a terrain that is uneven and rocky unlike normal roads. However, with the enjoyment of off-road driving comes the danger of unknown territories and terrain. Therefore, it is important for you to observe safety precautions before you embark on an off-road road trip:

  1. Stock Up on Necessities

Even the simplest of off-road trips come with some hidden dangers. Therefore, it is advised to carry some essential stuffs before going for off-road driving. You should always keep necessities enough to survive for a night or two and a basic medical kit in case of emergency. Don’t put unnecessary things in the vehicle as it can cause extra issues.

  1. Follow Already Used Trails

Needless to say, it’s always fun to go off-road on your own, but you should drive on the trails that have been travelled by other drivers. As on untraveled trails, you never know what you might encounter. You should also walk a little ahead in a trail before coming back and driving the vehicle as chances are that the vehicle might get stuck.

  1. Inform Someone

Before going anywhere not just off-road driving, you should inform your close friends or a family member about where you’re going, what route they will be taking and when you will be back. This will ensure that the informed person can inform the authorities in case of any emergency or tragedy.

  1. Take a Friend

It is one of the most important things that you should always bring another friend and vehicle along when going for off-road driving. In case the vehicle gets stuck or so much damaged that it can’t be repaired there, you can take the other vehicle. Taking another person also means that there will be extra manpower in case of any emergency.

  1. Speed

When it comes to off-road driving, there is a mantra related to speed, “As slow as possible, as fast as necessary.” It is advised that you don’t drive with a speed of more than 10 mph when driving off-road, driving at more than that, the vehicle can get stuck or be damaged.

For off-road driving, you need to buy off-road wheels for optimum performance and maximum enjoyment. If you’re looking to buy off-road wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The online store offers off-road wheels from various world-renowned brands including XD, Fuel, Moto Metal, and various others.