How to Prepare your Car for the Winter?

With winter is just around the corner, the weather is going to present a lot of challenges to your life especially when it comes to driving. Snow, sleet and freezing rain can take a serious toll on your vehicle. Therefore, you need to ensure that your car is ready to take on the harsh temperature. Here is how you can prepare your car for the winter:

  1. Antifreeze

Antifreeze is a substance that keeps your engine from freezing during those times of the year when you feel like you are freezing. Without it, your engine can freeze, leaving you stranded in cold weather. You need to check the antifreeze level in the winter to make sure it doesn’t run out. You can check your antifreeze levels by following the instructions in your car’s manual or buying a kit available in many auto stores.

  1. Windshield Wiper Fluid

Ordinary fluid that you use in the spring, summer and autumn can often become useless in the winter, as it can freeze quickly upon contact with your windshield. With the winter approaching, you should switch out your fluid for winter fluid. Winter fluid is designed for the hard winter weather and can help loosen ice and snow from your windshield.

  1. Winter-grade Oil

The colder the weather, the thinner the oil in your engine should be. The viscosity of your oil in colder weather is indicated by the first number in the oil specification, with a lower number indicating better viscosity in cold weather. You should consider switching to an oil with a lower cold weather viscosity grade.

  1. Emergency Kit

This is one of the most important things you can do for your car and for your personal safety. Having a box full of winter supplies in your trunk can make all the difference in the harsh weather. Here’s a list of items you should include in that kit: a flashlight, a first-aid kit, blankets, a few extra pairs of gloves, a radio, a charged cellphone for 911 calls, an ice scraper and some high-energy snacks like nuts or jerky.

  1. Tire Pressure and Tread

Good tires are the key to staying on the road and keeping safe when snow and ice are falling from the sky. You should regularly check your tire pressure with a simple gauge sold at any auto supply store. You should also follow your manual’s recommendations for pressure level. You should also ensure your tires have appropriate amounts of tread on them.

If you’re looking to buy new wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Moto Metal, AC Forged, Niche, Rohana, Blaque Diamond, and various others.

Why You Should Consider Investing in Custom Wheels?

To express yourself in a creative way as an owner, you can customize your wheels. With all the colors, styles, and patterns available, the possibilities with custom wheels can be endless. If you want to enhance your car, but don’t know where to begin, you should consider investing in custom wheels. Here is why you should consider investing in custom wheels:

  1. Personalized Look

This is one of the primary benefits of buying custom wheels. A custom paint job on your wheels can provide a fresh look and overall improved aesthetic to your vehicle. You can also have the surface of your wheels customized with care, while adding a unique personal touch.

  1. Affordable Upgrade

Customizing your wheels is one of the most affordable options compared to other upgrades available for vehicles in the market. Since details regarding this upgrade are personalized to you, you can choose how much or how little you want to invest into your customized set of wheels.

  1. Increased Value

Customizing your wheels shows that you have invested time and money into your vehicle. Prospective buyers are always interested to know if a car has been properly cared for over time by previous owners. Adding custom wheels can increase the overall value of your car.

  1. Improved Performance

Custom wheels or wheel arrangements can improve your vehicle’s performance. The larger rear tires allow for an increased grip on acceleration, while giving the high-performance vehicle a stable drive over uneven ground.

  1. Safety

If you install bigger rims and tires on your vehicle, it can make your ride safer. The wider track of the rims provides for better handling and increased stopping power, thus giving you a safer ride.

If you’re looking to buy new custom wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Moto Metal, AC Forged, Niche, XD, Blaque Diamond, Rohana and various others.

Cast vs Forged Wheels: A Beginner’s Guide

Wheels are an essential part in the functioning of any vehicle. Wheel are manufactured using different manufacturing process and each manufacturing process has its own advantages and disadvantages. Two of the most popular manufacturing processes are “cast” and “forged”. Each type of manufacturing process results in wheels that differ in cost, strength, appearance, weight and more. If you’re in a dilemma on which type of wheels to buy, here is a complete guide from AudioCityUSA:

Manufacturing Process of Cast Wheels:

The manufacturing process for cast wheels involves pouring or using a vacuum to insert molten aluminum into a mold that is formed into the shape of the wheel in different dimensions. Pressure is then used to move the alloys into the mold more quickly and to achieve a product that has a greater density. Then the mold is allowed to cool. Then, minor modifications are made into the wheel, such as drilling and trimming.

This manufacturing process is fast and inexpensive. It’s also less complicated than many other processes.

Advantages of Cast Wheels:

  • A range of designs
  • Less expensive
  • High strength
  • Light weight
  • Easy to manufacture
  • Easily mass produced

Disadvantages of Cast Wheels:

  • Highly susceptible to cracking and oxidation
  • Reduced structural integrity

Manufacturing Process of Forged Wheels:

The manufacturing process of forged wheels starts with a solid piece of metal called billet. The billet is first heated and then put under intense pressure that compresses the metal to form a raw forging. These raw forgings are then forged into different profiles to allow for the creation of different wheel designs.

Advantages of Forged Wheels:

  • Better performance
  • Better handling
  • Enhanced structural integrity
  • Enhanced fuel efficiency

Disadvantages of Forged Wheels:

  • More time-consuming and precise process
  • More expensive
  • Cannot be mass produced

Whether you choose to buy forged wheels or cast wheels, you should make sure they are genuine products from a reliable manufacturer. If you’re looking to buy new cast or forged wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Moto Metal, Niche, XD, and various others.

Important Things to Keep in Your Car During Winter

With the winter just around the corner, the temperatures are expected to drop. As the weather turns cold and the snow starts to fall, driving can be a nightmare. It can be especially difficult if you own an older vehicle. Therefore, it is important to also prep your vehicles with the car accessories that’ll make driving easier and safer. Here are some of the most useful accessories to keep in your car during winter:

  1. Shovel

Shovels can be quite useful during the winter. Having a shovel specifically dedicated to your car can be a wise move. The chances of you getting stuck in the snow can be very high. With a shovel, you can clear up any snow and not get stuck in the harsh weather.

  1. Ice Scraper

An ice scraper is easily the most used tool for drivers during the winter. Keeping one in the car will allow you to efficiently clear off your windows and lights before driving, instead of resorting to using your hands. Ice scrapers are quite inexpensive, and they come in quite handy.

  1. Jumper Cables

A dead battery is one of the most common issues in the winter. Jumper cables can come in handy during the harsh weather. Whether you accidentally left your lights on or cold weather drained your battery, jumper cables can bring your car back to life.

  1. Emergency Kit

You should always keep an emergency kit in your car regardless the weather. Keeping a small one in your car is always smart idea. Your kit should include portable phone charger with power pack, jumper cables, first aid kit, extra blanket and clothing, granola bars and chocolate bars, bottled water, and roadmaps.

  1. Flashlight

Keeping a flashlight in your car all year around is a good idea, but it can be especially useful during the winter. While your smart phone has a flashlight on it, you should save the phone’s battery for emergency purposes. You should also keep extra flashlight batteries in your car.

  1. Warm Blanket

Breaking down is a common issue in the winter. With the car breaking down, you also lose the heat from the car. In such an event, you might have to remain inside your car for a few hours our even over-night without heat. With a blanket, you can stay warm during the cold weather. A simple blanket is warm and won’t take up too much trunk space.

  1. Tires

If your tires don’t have good tread, you absolutely want to replace them before winter comes. Driving in wet, snowy, or icy conditions without much tread on the tires can be very dangerous. If your tires are bald, you should buy a quality set of all-season tires winter tires. You should also carry a spare tire in case of emergencies.


If you’re looking to buy new wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Moto Metal, AC Forged, Niche, and various others.