How to Avoid these Common Autumn Car Problems?

With the autumn in full swing, you need to properly maintain your car and keep it in top condition. Autumn comes with its own set of problems, so you need to make sure you know what common car repair problems you might encounter in autumn. The season is characterized by wet leaves, which can cause all sorts of havoc on the cars. It’s also the time of year where you’ll need to make sure your fluids are topped up and ready for the weather too. Here is how you can avoid these common autumn car problems:

  1. Paint Damage

Wet leaves can cause damage to your paintwork if left to sit. You can avoid this by parking away from trees. But if your car does get covered with leaves, you should hose them off as soon as possible. To protect the paintwork, you should have your car waxed regularly as this can create a barrier over your paintwork.

  1. Stone Chips

With debris being washed onto the roads, the probability of a stone chip on your windscreen is very high. You should avoid driving close to the edge of the road and go slowly when the tarmac is obscured by leaves, mud and gravel. If stone chips damage your windshield, you should take it to a mechanic to get it repaired by the mechanic.

  1. Reduced Stopping Distances

Just like snow or ice, wet leaves on the road will reduce traction. If the road you’re driving on is covered in leaves, you should take care as stopping distances will be reduced. This can help you to avoid costly damage, as well as more serious accidents.

  1. Battery Problems

Cold weather of the fall can deplete battery power so you might find yourself with a dead battery on some chilly mornings. However, you can jump start the battery immediately using jumper cables. Therefore, you should make sure to carry jump cables with you and understand how to use them. If your battery is old, you should consider buying a new one.

  1. Wheel Damage

Leaves sticking to the wheel can have a significant negative impact on the appearance of wheels. Leaves on the road can also hide potholes and other debris. You should take extra care as hitting a pothole at full speed can damage your wheels and put them out of alignment.

If you’re looking the branded wheels, you should explore a wide range wheels being offered online at They offer wheels, rims, and other automobile accessories of the globally recognized brands.

How to Boost your Car’s Resale Value?

Selling a car can be a long and tedious task and can be exhausting. The most time consuming of all the steps is to make up your mind to sell your car. When selling, you want to get the best price you can. if you are planning to sell your car, we have created a checklist to help you boost your car’s resale value:

  1. Have Paperwork Handy

You should check that your service book is up to date and if possible, you should get hold of detailed service records and keep all receipts of recent work you’ve had done on the car. You should also get hold of original owner’s manual that came with your car. You should also keep your license and registration documents handy.

  1. Regular Maintenance

The best way to add value to your car is to care for it every day. You shouldn’t ignore those lights on your dash and shouldn’t wait a year to have something repaired. You can even coordinate with a reputable service center and work out a payment plan, to have your car maintained every few months. You should also keep any maintenance records handy.

  1. Remove Unwanted Stuff

No one likes a dirty car and potential sellers won’t like it as well. So, you should make sure to get your car thoroughly cleaned before selling it to the new customer. You should remove any unnecessary clutter such as baby diapers, cigarette buds and empty bottles.

  1. Keep your Interiors Clean

You should clean the inside of your car thoroughly and remove loose car mats to clean or replace them. Once everything is cleared out, you should vacuum the interior upholstery. You should use a fabric cleaner to remove stubborn marks or you should buy new car seat covers.

  1. Keep your Wheels Attractive

You should invest in shiny wheels that look new and can add to your vehicle’s potential value. So, take the time to get in there and clean out dirt, dust and grime from the wheels. You can also use a tire shine product on the tire to make them look new. You can also invest in new custom wheels that can enhance the value of the car exponentially.

Looking to buy new wheels? AudioCityUSA is your best choice. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Fuel, Moto Metal, AC Forged, Blaque Diamond, and others.

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid Damage to Your Tires

People love their cars and trucks, but it’s necessary that you take care of them. Proper maintenance can go a long way in keeping the car running. While many people spend a ton of maintaining their cars, they often overlook tires. It is essential that you treat your tires with the utmost care. Here are a few common mistakes to provide damage to your tires:

  1. Not Keeping Them Inflated

While it may sound simple, many people often have dangerously low tire pressure. Not only is low tire pressure being a driving hazard, it also puts enormous stress on your vehicle. Some bad effects of the underinflated tires include:

  • Increased petrol use
  • Decreased power steering
  • Pressure on the suspension
  • Braking difficulties
  • Loss of grip on the road

You should regularly check your tire pressure levels to avoid any unnecessary visits to your mechanic.

  1. Not Rotating or Balancing

Regular rotation intervals are essential to get the most of your tires. A tire rotation can include swapping your rear tires with the front tires or vice versa. You can ensure longevity by inspecting your tires every 6 months to make sure the tread is sufficient. When you rotate your tires, you should be sure to have a wheel alignment too.

  1. Driving on Bad Roads

Unfortunately, not every road user is going to drive on smooth, re-surfaced roads. However, if you can, you should avoid bad roads whenever possible. If driving on bad roads is unavoidable, you should drive under the speed limit and try to avoid hard braking. This is particularly important where there are road works and those with significant potholes and unevenness.

  1. Driving Old Tires

Old tires can have a significant negative impact on the performance of your car and dangerous as well. You should replace tires every than six years regardless of their appearance and tread condition. Often times tires look brand new, its rubber might not. Tire rubber degrades and weakens over time through oxidation.

  1. Not Installing Tires of The Right Size

Fitting your car with the tire size, is vital to the longevity of your tires and the health of the tire. If you are not sure of the size, it is best to speak to a tire expert at AudioCityUSA or check the owners’ manual for the car. You should also ensure that your tires aren’t mismatched.

If you’re looking to buy new wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Fuel, Moto Metal, AC Forged, XD, Blaque Diamond, and others.

Top 5 Ways to Maximize the Performance of Your Car

While driving modern cars, you might feel like you’re getting the peak performance from the vehicle. However, more often than not, that is not the case and the car could perform better. You don’t have to be a mechanic or understand the complexities of the cars to improve the performance. Here are a few tips on how to maximize the performance of your car:

  1. Keep Engine in Good Health

You should always keep your car engine in good health. You should have your engine serviced at the specified intervals as per the owner’s manual. You should pay close attention to engine health to make sure that the mileage it delivers is the peak mileage. You should also use the correct grade of engine oil with less viscosity.

  1. Keep it Light

Many people load up their vehicles with many unnecessary things such as extra cases of water, a winter coat in June or a 20lb box of cat litter. Any extra weight can lower the performance and cause your engine to work harder than it needs to. You should remove any unneeded things in your car. Some people also suggest removing the roof rack when you aren’t using it.

  1. Keep the Optimum Tire Pressure

First, check out the recommended air pressure, which you can found either on your car door or in the owner’s manual. You should fill up your tire to the optimum pressure or a little bit higher. This can have great impact on car handling and your engine won’t have to work so hard. You shouldn’t go too high though as the tires will not handle wet weather.

  1. Pick the Right Weather Tires

Most cars are equipped with a generic tire that’s perfectly fine for using in a range of temperatures and wet weather. However, these tires aren’t great in a winter snowstorm, or a great option in summer. You should use the set of summer performance tires for the warmer months and all-season or winter tires for the rest of the year.

  1. Use a Brake Pad Made for High Heat

When people think about a car’s performance, they tend to focus on speed, but they ignore another important function, being able to stop. If you want great performance out of the engine, you should have a performance brake pad that can handle the higher heat. They are normally made out of semi-metallic materials or ceramic and, unlike the organic material brakes that come standard on most cars.

If you’re looking to buy wheels, AudioCityUSA is your place to go. The online store offers aftermarket wheels from a plethora of world-renowned brands including Fuel, Moto Metal, AC Forged, XD, Blaque Diamond, and others.